We help educators create high quality and culturally responsive instruction in order to truly make STEM #4Real for every single student
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About STEM4Real
STEM4Real is a professional learning nonprofit organization committed to equity, anti-racism and social justice in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education. We help schools and districts create culturally responsive STEM and NGSS professional learning using Lesson Study, Observation, Collaboration, and Leadership.
What makes us different?
We combined standards-based instruction with equity and social justice for ALL students. STEM4Real is committed to providing socially just and culturally relevant STEM teaching and standards-based learning strategies through collaboration professional learning, culturally responsive instructional materials and diverse children’s literature. We focus on shifting teacher pedagogy by grounding our work with a social justice lens that makes equity paramount in our vision.
We believe that each and every single child, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, religion or creed should be able to see themselves in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and/or Mathematics. It is through our diversity that we can embark on multiple perspectives in order to progress our Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics fields.

STEM4Real is a 2022 EALA New Champion Runner-Up!
STEM4Real Can Speak On


Teaching STEM #4Real podcast

Dr. Leena Bakshi

Dr. Leena Bakshi
Download Leena's Press Kit
For All Media Inquiries
Media Contact
Kristin Carver Smith
(615) 438-0989