STEM Lesson Planning Tools
We gathered the best, most relevant information and tools for you to build your STEM programs and STEM Lesson Plans.
If you have any suggestions, let us know. Otherwise, enjoy these resources!
Are you planning your lessons or are your lessons planning you?
Do you feel like you have to teach everything on your plate? There are not enough instructional minutes in the day!
Download the STEM4Real 3D5E Learning Sequence Planner!

Climate Justice or Racial Justice? Can you do both??
In this free lesson resource, we dig deep into the root causes of climate change and how key policy and economic decisions impact lower socioeconomic communities and communities of color

How do you engage your students with special needs in active science engagement?
How do you plan your instruction for ALL students? How do you engage your students with special needs in active science engagement?
In this lesson, we dive into the specific accommodations and modifications for each of your diverse learners. This comprehensive lesson will provide you with a fully executed 5E (engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate) learning sequence that addresses all three dimensions of Science and NGSS learning!

STEAM+SPED Toolkit - STEM Lesson Plans
In this toolkit, you will find resources, instructional strategies, and tools to optimally serve your students with special needs

Are classroom observations helping or hurting teacher performance?
For most teachers, classroom observations are intimidating and seen as an evaluative tool of their teaching performance. STEM4Real is here to change that perception-- We created a DO-KNOW-THINK observation tool to transform classroom observations as an opportunity to reflect on the lesson's effectiveness to ignite student curiosity and engagement.

Scientist Posters