Let's Make STEM for ALL, #4Real
We are so excited to launch the entire STEM4Real blueprint in our latest book, STEM for ALL: How to Connect, Create, and Cultivate STEM Education for All.
We know that everyone belongs in STEM. This book gives teachers, coaches, and administrators a framework on how to actually make that happen, #4Real!
STEM4Real - Culturally Responsive Teaching
STEM, CCSS and NGSS Professional Learning Through an Equity and Justice-Centered Lens
We help you create STEM instruction that inspires identity and belonging for your students, #4Real
We as educators have the power to create a school to STEM career pipeline that celebrates diversity and representation. It starts with how we reach our students. Every school deserves the means to make that happen. "Every child, regardless of race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status, should be able to see themselves in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics." It starts with us.
We need to do the internal work necessary to dig into our own biases and experiences with respect to race, identity and belonging.
This is not another PD. This is an educational movement
Trust me, we’ve all been in Professional Development where we were talked to for about 6 hours by people that are far removed from the classroom. Teachers left bored and student outcomes stayed the same.
As a teacher, researcher, instructional coach and administrator, I know the importance of high quality professional learning. We’ve created a system that combines CCSS and NGSS standards with equity and social justice at the forefront of our work.
Through Lesson Study Cycles and ongoing instructional coaching using the STEM4Real Framework of Connect, Create, & Cultivate, our educators walk away with vetted lessons and pedagogical strategies that prioritize equity and anti-racism, especially for our most vulnerable student populations.
“When the system is dysfunctional, there's no one person that's right or wrong; everyone is just at a disadvantage”.
There’s a lot of hard work between where our schools are now and where we need to be in order to achieve educational equity. We want to give you the roadmap that will allow for our students’ success in STEM, #4Real!

Ready to Combine Standards + Justice, #4Real?
Ready to take action?

Create an Anti-Racist STEM Classroom
Learn best practices situated in anti-racist pedagogy and curricular decision-making in order to support Science and STEM learning for all students. Save your seat for the next web class on the STEM4Real Framework of Connect, Create and Cultivate Anti-Racism in STEM.

Take the STEM Equity Odometer
Where are you?
How is your school practicing social justice & equity in STEM?
Use this odometer as a starting point so you can receive tailored next steps for your organization as you engage and/or continue to do equity work in your school!

Book a call with our team to learn more!
In our call, we will learn more about your current initiatives and how we can help craft an anti-racist and justice-centered STEM professional learning plan using our Signature STEM4Real Lesson Study Process.