Teaching STEM #4Real

S2 E8: Science in the City: The Black Tax with Dr. Bryan A. Brown

April 11, 2023  |  30 mins

Teaching STEM #4Real podcast season 2 episode 8
Welcome back to season two of Teaching STEM #4Real! Today, we are thrilled to be joined by Dr. Bryan Brown!

Bryan A. Brown is a professor of science education and former Associate Dean at Stanford University. He holds a BS from Hampton University, a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology from the University of California, and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the UC Santa Barbara. His work focuses on the role of language in science teaching and learning. Dr. Brown studies how race, technology, language and culture impact science teaching in urban schools. He is the author of a staple text that all STEM teachers should have in their back pocket: Science in the City. STEM4Real has been honored to work with his team on creating culturally relevant lessons.

In this episode, we’ll discuss Dr. Bryan’s journey, why he avoided the phrase, “culturally responsive science teaching” for some time, and the idea of redlining and teaching students about the social meaning of science. We’ll also talk about ways to teach science in a socially relevant way when things are constantly changing and shifting as well as the need to make curriculum more adaptable and diverse. Last but certainly not least, Dr. Bryan will talk to us about the Black tax and what that means in the context of modern schools as well as microaggressions in the science classroom. Keep listening to learn more from Dr. Bryan!

Teaching STEM #4Real is a podcast dedicated to 4 real conversations on educational equity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education hosted by Dr. Leena Bakshi. If you’re interested in exploring what anti-racism and socially just instruction look like in our classrooms, schools, and beyond, you are in the right place. Dr. Bakshi is also the founder of the non-profit, STEM4Real. Please visit our website for information on how to partner with us. Thank you for helping us make STEM for real.

Learn more about how we promote student equity and social justice in STEM4Real