Teaching STEM #4Real

Ep 01: “I’m Ready to Quit!” Teachers and Mental Health with Dr. Sheldon Eakins

February 24, 2022  |  36 mins

Teaching STEM #4Real podcast episode 1
Welcome to the very first episode of Teaching STEM #4Real! Today, we are honoured to have Dr. Sheldon Eakins on the podcast. Dr. Eakins serves as the founder of the Leading Equity Center and is the host of the Leading Equity podcast. With over 11 years in education, he has worked as a teacher, principal, and director of special education. In fact, he is not just an ally, he is an advocate for equity and anti-racism. Dr. Eakins is passionate about helping educators accomplish equitable practices in their schools through his administrative coaching, facilitation, and courses on anti-racism.

In this episode, we’ll chat about teachers’ mental health, diversity in recruitment and retention of teachers, and whether our teachers should quit or not. While some of the answers may surprise you, we are ready to get real and have an honest conversation about these topics! Keep listening to hear how Dr. Eakins became the educator is today, the experience that turned him into an advocate, why culturally responsive teaching is important to him, and so much more! Enjoy!

Teaching STEM #4Real is a podcast dedicated to for-real conversations on educational equity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education hosted by Dr. Leena Bakshi. If you’re interested in exploring what anti-racism and socially just instruction look like in our classrooms, schools, and beyond, you are in the right place. Dr. Bakshi is also the founder of the non-profit, STEM4Real. Please visit our website for information on how to partner with us. Thank you for helping us make STEM for real.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins' IG: @sheldoneakins

Dr. Sheldon Eakins' Twitter: @sheldonleakins

Learn more about how we promote student equity and social justice in STEM4Real