Leadership Team
Dr. Leena Bakshi McLean
Executive Director
Marie Gorman
Director of Operations
About STEM4Real

Our Mission
We provide joyful and high quality STEM professional learning that combines STEM content and Culturally Responsive Teaching.
Our Promise
We make education socially just #4Real through instructional planning, professional learning, action planning, and leadership development. We will do this by recognizing and dismantling inequitable systems and rebuilding your education system #4Real with all students first.
Our Values
Scope and Services
Company Goals - 2022

Continue operations through COVID-19
STEM4Real was able to pivot operations during the 2021-2022 school year to offer remote services to our partners.
Hire a comprehensive programming team
STEM4Real hired a contractual team of facilitators and instructional coaches to assist with program delivery.
Obtain additional grant funding
STEM4Real won funding through the New Champions program, which is part of Educating All Learners Alliance.
Host Summer Institute
STEM4Real partnered with the Hawai'i Online Portal for Education (HOPE) initiative to offer Summer Institute Professional Learning and Culturally Responsive Programming.
Our Main Clients

2021-2022 School Year
Social Media Stats
2163 Followers; Increased 209% YOY
1.1K Likes; 5 Star Rating; 383 Members in STEM4Real Group; Increased 53% YOY
1365 Followers; Increased 95% YOY
1637 Followers; Increased 127% YOY
2022 Highlights

Conference Presentations
Company Goals - 2023
Continue program growth
Improve and expand offerings to maximize impact; implement lessons learned from partnerships.
Hire a School, District & Organization Partnerships Lead
Hire a part-time school, district, and organization partnerships lead to scale and grow our national scope and maintain partnerships
Continue to obtain grant funding
Obtain additional grants for continued expansion of STEM4Real offerings and programs
Enhance HR offerings
Host a team conference, hire an additional full-time employee, and offer benefits to employees.
"Lots of great energy and enthusiasm. You're clearly passionate about the work."
Exit Ticket, 02/09/22
"I really benefitted from the one-on-one coaching to put my lesson ideas together!"
Testimonial, Summer Institute
"The presenters were enthusiastic and seemed like they genuinely wanted to help us."
Exit Ticket, 01/31/22
"I love your website and would really like to explore the social justice areas more."
Exit Ticket, 02/02/22
"Today's session made so much sense and I am excited to present the lesson to my students."
Exit Ticket, 03/03/22
"Really good. I truly learned a lot that I will be bringing into my classroom."
Exit Ticket, 04/13/22
"Both of you were very helpful, entertaining, and I appreciated the chance to go outside and wonder like a student."
Exit Ticket, 02/02/22
Download the STEM4Real 2022 Annual Report in PDF